Quality Skin Care


Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) are derived from naturally-occurring acids found in nature such as fruit, sugar cane and milk. Throughout the ages, women have turned to these natural acids to improve the integrity of their skin. AHAs uncover fresh, natural skin that glows with new softness and silky texture.

Cleopatra's flawless skin was attributed to her famous sour milk baths and the ladies of the French Court of Louis XIV applied aged wine to their faces achieving a luxuriously soft and blemish-free complexion.

AHAs slow down the photo-aging process of skin that is accelerated by excessive stress, damaging UV rays and environmental hazards. In a true collaboration with nature, Jason Natural Cosmetics offers AHA products designed to reverse the negative effects associated with aged and photo-damaged skin.


  • WRINKLE RETALIATION   - AHAs remove dead skin cells in the outer epidermal layer which accentuates lines and wrinkles.
  • SOFTEN UP - AHAs contain skin smoothing and toning components creating finer, smoother and younger-looking skin.
  • GETTING CLEAR - AHAs loosen acne lesions allowing sebum to flow to the skin in a continuous and uninformed manner reducing the formation of new acne lesions.


  • EXFOLIATES - AHAs break down the intercellular bonds or glue-like substance that binds to dead skin cells allowing the outer layer of dead cells to gently slough or fall off. This exfoliation process also prevents the blocking of pores.
  • STIMULATES NEW CELL PRODUCTION - AHAs stimulate the production of new skin cells to come to the surface faster increasing cell turnover time. AHAs accelerate the emergence of young, healthier-looking cells to the surface by removing impurities and accumulated cell debris.
  • PROMOTES PRODUCTION OF COLLAGEN - The application of AHAs affect both the surface layer of skin and the deeper dermis layer. AHAs increase epidermal and dermal firmness and thickness, evening out fine lines and wrinkles.
  • REDUCES APPEARANCE OF AGE SPOTS - AHAs reverse the appearance of aging over time by reducing darkened sun and age spots.
  • INCREASES MOISTURIZING ACTION - AHAs act as humectants by absorbing moisture from the atmosphere. These hydrated AHAs increase the water content of the skin thus moisturizing the outer layer of the epidermis.


Alpha Hydroxy Products



 Copyright (C) 1998-2004 all rights reserved. Revised: December 28, 2004.

Designed to Meet Your Skincare Needs

Jevelle uses an advanced blend of  three AHAs extracted from sugar cane or molasses (glycolic acid), sour milk (lactic acid) and fruit (mixed fruit acids) boosting nature's multiple exfoliating actions.

bullet Glycolic Acid  Because of its small size, gycolic acid is effective at speeding up the skin's exfoliation process restoring your skin's natural softness and youthful tone.

bullet Lactic Acid   As an integral part of the skin's natural moisturizing factor or NMF, lactic acid has a solid history as a moisturizing and softening agent having the capacity to bind or hold water to the skin.

bullet Mixed Fruit Acids   These natural acids extracted from apples, grapes, papayas, citrus fruits and tomatoes maintain the skin's ideal pH balance, brighten and even out skin tone.

The Advantage

Nature's own botanical extracts in Jevelle's work by revitalizing and strengthening your skin's natural restorative processes. Your skin will look and feel smoother and softer within two weeks of daily use. Within four weeks your skin will appear healthier, fresher and evenly-textured.

bullet Extra care should be taken for sensitive skin. Start with the    lowest concentration of AHAs in the evening for a few days then apply it mornings as well.

bullet When you exfoliate your skin with AHAs, it is normal to feel a tingling sensation the first few days. If you feel discomfort, switch to a lower concentration or discontinue use for a few days then gradually reintroduce.

bullet For all skin types, avoid using buff puffs or cleaning and exfoliating grains during AHAs use. Refrain from applying AHAs to fragile areas of the skin such as spider veins or broken capillaries.

bullet After using our AHAs, your conditioned skin will be more receptive in maintaining its natural moisture barrier.